Anyone Can Run….Better!

I began running in college and then sporadically until my late 40’s, where I took to it ritually. I never examined my running style.  Anyone can run, right?

Over time I began to develop some injuries and problems (plantar fasciitis, arthritis in my knees and feet and neuromas). I did the foot blot test (pronation, supination, etc.) and treadmill running gait analysis, which focused more on the type of running shoe rather than running style.

I was a heel striker and over strider. I thought this was ok since I saw this in many photos of runners.  Even with the “right” shoes, I was still experiencing problems.

Then Amy announced in her AVC Elite Training Class, a running style that aids performance and reduces the risk of injury.  Amy hosted a Newton Running Clinic. Along with the owners, they took us through drills and present a specific running posture and style. Amy followed up with a training program of her own.

I was skeptical at first. Could this really help me?  Also, these new funky shoes, looked more like a hindrance than an asset.

After Saturdays of drills and runs, and practicing during the week on my own, I began to see change. I must say it was a challenge changing bad habits, but the benefits were my incentive to change.

Amy would run along side or ahead and take photos of us so we could view our deficits and improvements. She provided information and insight that assisted in improving my running form. My knee was pain free and my feet showed a marked improvement.

By running more efficiently I was experiencing less fatigue and feeling more efficient. At times, I still revert back to old behavior s(like shuffling my feet), but I’m more conscious  and quicker correcting my self.

Thanks Amy for all your help and giving me more years of happy running!

~ Cynthia, age 58

Do you want to run happy by learning how to run better? You can enjoy the same benefits as Cynthia by working with Amy, your Mesa, Arizona Newton Natural Running certified coach. Contact Amy and lace up your shoes to run without pain – at any age.