3 Steps to Permanent Fat Loss

If you’re like most of us, you know the common weight loss mistakes. Perhaps you had to learn them the hard way like many.

Are you tired of failing to achieve your weight loss goals? Then you’ve come to the right place. Below are the three steps required to achieve the permanent fat loss you desire.

Step 1: Nourish Your Body; Eat Real Food

Eat Real FoodReal food is not stuff that doesn’t look like anything in nature. It’s not sweetened drinks. Real food doesn’t come in boxes or cans whose ingredients can’t be pronounced. Real food does not use artificial colors, sweeteners, texturizers, or preservatives.

Real foods include fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and poultry, fish, whole grains and good fats. When you eat real foods like these, your body can be nourished like it needs to be.

When you’re nourished, wonderful things can happen, including:

  • You get full faster
  • You eat less overall
  • You eat fewer calories since the foods you’re eating are inherently lower in calories than the pizza, burgers, fries, chips or whatever other nutritionally dead foods you may have eaten in the past.
  • You feel satisfied and fuller longer so your chances of hankering around the refrigerator for a late night snack have just been slashed.

All of which mean: You Iose weight and keep it off.  And you are extending your life by eating REAL food, not processed foods that are loaded with nothing but junk!

Step 2: Eat More Frequently

One of the biggest mistakes a person can make is going hours on end without eating. Not only does this slow down the metabolism (again, think starvation mode), it causes a severe drop in blood sugar causing “fog brain”  and fatigue.

Long gaps between eating can make you feel down right miserable, making it difficult to function throughout the day and doing nothing for weight loss. Slowing your metabolism induces fat storage rather then fat loss.

Step 3: Exercise

Exercise is absolutely imperative in maintaining a healthy weight and for overall health. We live in an extremely sedentary world sitting in front of computers, our phones, watching TV, etc. Sitting for hours day in and day out is killing us. It leads to not just weight gain, but to diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

less-fat-more-muscleAnd the older we get the more we need to move. Lean tissue continues to decrease with age and that lean tissue is our metabolism. You lose that having minimal muscle and those pounds will continue to pack on!  The message is simple, you have got to move.

Find a training program that you will stick with and gives you results.  Make sure you are working up a sweat and not just going through the motions of a workout.  It is important to push yourself and challenge yourself – safely of course!

Achieve sustainable success and create healthy lifestyle habits that will not throw your body into a tailspin by destroying your metabolism and make you sick later on. (Fad diets, poor eating habits and no exercise, will ALL do this.) Stop sabotaging yourself and avoid the enduring negative consequences that can follow.

Simply eat clean and train smart. Your body will love you for it in more ways then one.

4 Common Weight Loss Mistakes

Have you ever tried – and failed – to lose weight?  You are not alone.

Weight Loss MistakesBut the good news is that you can achieve the weight loss you desire in three simple steps. And equally important to maintaining a healthy weight is avoiding common traps we all face. Explore these four common weight loss mistakes and you’ll be prepared to embrace the three steps to long-lasting fat loss I’ll cover following.

Mistake #1: Calorie restriction

When you restrict calories by eating next to nothing, fasting or using liquid/juice diets, you might initially take off some pounds. But then your body catches on to your game.
Then you go into starvation mode in order to preserve your fat stores in case no more food is coming for a while. As a result, your fat burning metabolism slows WAY down to keep you alive on less food.

This means you start losing less or no weight at all even though you are eating next to nothing. Plus, when you stop severely restricting calories and eat your “old way” again, your body will burn even FEWER calories than it did before because you slowed down your metabolic rate. So you put the weight back on and then some.

Mistake #2: Fad diets

Same thing applies when you eliminate food groups from your diet, use meal replacement bars or shakes (like Slim Fast) or try to trick your brain into thinking you’re full (e.g. Sensa).

Your body is smart and knows that it needs complete nourishment. That means proteins, whole grains, veggies, fruits and good fats.

If it doesn’t get everything it needs, the starvation mode is triggered as previously discussed. It doesn’t matter if “shakes” you drink have a bunch of vitamins added to them. Your body knows the difference between synthetic nutrients and those that come naturally from food.

Our bodies are designed to best use nutrients as they occur in a complete, real food. Anything less than that will make your body feel as though it’s not nourished properly…and leave you feeling hungry all the time.

Mistake #3: Just Eat LessJust Eat Less

When someone who eats large meals or always has seconds and thirds tries to simply to cut back and eat less, they’re pretty much miserable. Eventually they start sneaking a little more, then a little more, and soon they’re right back where they started.

Or they eat try to eat their dinner on a luncheon-sized plate…but pile it 6 inches high! Or they might successfully eat less at meals but cave into snacking later on, which completely negates any calorie savings they may have achieved by eating a smaller dinner.

Some people even take the dramatic approach of having gastric bypass surgery–so your portions are automatically “controlled” because your stomach is a fraction of its original size. Sadly, the success rate of this about 2% rarely working and can be downright dangerous.

Mistake #4: Meal plans

Some diets take the work out of meal preparation and planning by having you buy their pre-packaged meals and foods. This can be VERY costly and often are processed foods to boot..bad news!

As long as you stick to eating their prescribed meals, you will probably take in fewer calories and Iose weight. But as soon as you’re “on your own” again, guess what happens? Yup, the weight comes right back on!

So what can you do if you desire to lose and keep weight off both safely and effectively?  Stay tuned as next I’ll share the three steps to permanent fat loss.

Why Jumping Rope Makes You a Better Athlete

5 Reasons Why You Should Jump Rope

Jumping rope is great for all athletes. From the recreational athlete to the athlete involved in sports that rely on vertical explosiveness (think running, basketball, volleyball, etc.) Jumping rope is a highly effective skill that will enhance the athlete’s training – and therefore the athlete’s performance – for the following five key reasons.

1. Lower Body Recruitment

As the name jump rope implies, the muscles that get recruited in a major way are the calves and hamstrings receiving repetitive cJump rope postureontractions and springing of these muscles throughout the movement. Training these muscles through “roping,” will not only make you stronger, but will also help you become more efficient, and in turn will decrease the possibility for injury.

Jumping rope also works the muscles in the upper part of the legs – the quadriceps and the glutes, keeping your body’s anterior and posterior muscularly balanced.

Added bonus: These are largest muscles in the body being worked which means calories get incinerated big time!

2.  Wrist and Forearm Flexibility

Wrist, hand and forearm issues seem to becoming more and more prevalent due to constant repetitive motions whether from daily work, cell phones, texting, or extended hours of keyboard work on the computer. Jumping rope is a form of fitness that stimulates flexibility, dexterity and strength in these areas of the body. Jumping rope when using correct form and technique, requires spinning the rope around the body using your wrists and forearms. This will allow you to whip the rope around yourself very quickly. It is the repetition of this motion which strengthens your forearms, wrists and hands and will help prevent injury or other issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

3. Abs and Core Stabilizers

jump-rope-workout-ab-tonerYour abdominal muscles are worked the entire time you are jumping rope as they act to balance and stabilize the rest of your body. The stronger your core, the better your balance, coordination and stability will be.

A strong core equals a better athlete. The next time you are jumping rope, focus on keeping your abs tight to not only encourage proper form and technique, but to give yourself an extra benefit from your training discovering just how core intense jumping rope truly is!

4.  Biceps, Triceps, Chest & Back Sculpting

When you become skilled at jumping rope your arm muscles, chest and back are also highly recruited. You will begin to feel your triceps and biceps burn as you progress into a more advanced jump rope workout. “Jumping Rope Tall,” means maintaining good posture, opening up the chest while elongating the back and spine. This requires practice and awareness the entire time you are roping which also requires strength. If it is sculpted arms you’re looking for, grab a rope and start jumping.

5. Heart Health

The longer and more frequently you jump rope, the better cardiovascular exercise jumping rope becomes. Boxers and MMA fighters have implemented jumping rope into their training for over a century to strengthen their heart and lungs.

Jumping rope increases stamina and endurance which compliments anyone’s training for whatever reason, sport or overall health and fitness. It is easy to tire out while jumping rope when you first begin, but like anything else, ease into it aiming for short intervals to start, and gradually increasing your duration, cadence and frequency as you become more skilled and in better overall physical condition.

Get Jumping

Jumping rope will work every muscle throughout your entire body, while improving your cardiovascular fitness. Jump rope in arzionaIn addition, it is a skill that improves coordination and agility. All you need is a rope, a little patience, some determination, and a towel to mop up the sweat!

Now you have it…..the 5 reasons why The AVC Elite Training crew jumps rope. Come jump with us!